आपकी जानकारी के लिए पूरी कहानी फिर से बता दें - सुनील द्विवेदी, 24, एमबीए छात्र और ऐथलीट, आईएसी लखनऊ में सक्रिय कार्यकर्ता हैं। 7 सितंबर की रात, लखनऊ के जियामऊ इलाके (हजरतगंज थाना) में एक तेज रफ्तार कार ने उन्हें टक्कर मारी और कुचल दिया। यह कार सेल्स टैक्स विभाग में डिप्टी कमिश्नर सुभाष चंद्र राम का बेटा सुधीर कुमार (34) नशे की हालत में चला रहा था। सुनील के दोस्तों ने उसे पकड़ा और थाने ले गए। पुलिस ने उसे छोड़ दिया और बाद में अज्ञात लोगों के खिलाफ केस दर्ज किया। दुर्घटनास्थल से अहम सबूत यानी कि कार (मारुति सुजूकी आल्टो UP-32 BT 5294) को भी हटा दिया गया। आरोपी पर कार्रवाई करने की बजाय पुलिस उल्टा सुनील के दोस्तों के खिलाफ लूटपाट का केस दर्ज करने की धमकी दे रही है। सुनील द्विवेदी इस वक्त दिल्ली के इंस्टीट्यूट ऑफ स्पाइनल इंजरी, वसंत कुंज में भर्ती है। सुनील के शरीर के निचले भाग निष्क्रिय हो गया है और पीठ पर कार के टायर चढ़ने से काफी चोट आई है। सुनील के पिता के सरकारी महकमे में ऊंचे पद पर होने की वजह से इस मामले में पुलिस का रवैया बेहद ढीला है। पत्रकार अनूप कुमार ने जब सुभाष चंद्र राम से फोन पर इस बारे में बात करनी चाही तो उन्होंने उसे धमकाया और पूछा कि यह खबर ने छापने की वह कितनी कीमत लेगा? कल आईएसी लखनऊ के कार्यकर्ता डीजीपी से मिलेंगे और अदालत में भी अर्जी देंगे ताकि पुलिस उनपर फर्जी केस न कर सके। इसके अलावा आरोपी सुधीर कुमार के घर के बाहर शांतिपूर्ण धरना देने की योजना भी बनाई जा रही है।
कुछ अहम फोन नंबर-
सुनील द्विवेदी - 9415313923
सुभाष चंद्र राम - 9415531214, 0522-2710219
डीजीपी दफ्तर - 0522-2710219
एसआई सत्यनारायण कुशवाहा (जांच अधिकारी) - 9161400312
सुभाष चंद्र राम का पता - 638/ए, 79/1, शिवाजीपुरम, गली नं. 4, सेक्टर 14, इंदिरा नगर, लखनऊ
SUNIL DWIVEDI, 24, Pursuing MBA, was returning home from friend's place when his bike ran out of petrol. He placed the bike on the left corner of the road and asked his pillion ride Murli to call someone with petrol. In this course they parked the bike and were waiting for friends, when suddenly an uncontrolled Maruti Suzuki Alto Car UP-32 BT 5294, rammed into Sunil and instantly broke his spine. Meanwhile Murli, the pillion who was standing next was saved by a whisker and he called his friends to the spot while trying to move the car away from Sunil's body which was still stuck under it. When somehow the car was moved, the door was opened and a heavily drunk man between 30-35 years age came out. He was not even able to stand properly. This man was handed over to the police and Sunil was rushed to the hospital. But the FIR lodged read "UNKNOWN" person knocked down Sunil. This was not at all acceptable by the Guys so they went to the accident spot to look for the car registration papers which could establish the identity at least. On reaching the scene, they saw that the car was being taken away and hence they intercepted the person in the car. They asked that either the car be left on the spot or taken to police station but the person was not interested in both. So the guys asked for the papers which he had no intentions to give, hence the guys opened the door of the car to lay hand on any documents which could establish the id. They found a briefcase attached with a bag. The bag had the registration papers, which read "SUBHASH CHANDRA RAM" and his address as 638/A-79/1, Shivajipuram, Lane 4, sector 14, Indira Nagar, Lucknow. The took a photostat of the papers in the morning and returned the briefcase and bag to the officer on duty. This man Subhash Chandra Ram turned out to be a Deputy Commissioner, Sales Tax posted in Lucknow and the person driving the car was his son Sudhir Kumar.
Now the police is in connivance with the bureaucrat and is harassing the guys who were witness to the case and who helped Sunil reach hospital and got the identity established and took the drunkard sudhir to police. The police is now lodging a counter FIR of robbery against these students who till now have no criminal antecedent. The purpose is to pressurise the guys to abstain from court proceedings and help the culprit go scot-free. Sunil, the victim is paralysed for life. He was an athlete and a break dancer and today, he is confined to bed, even unable to move.
कुछ अहम फोन नंबर-
सुनील द्विवेदी - 9415313923
सुभाष चंद्र राम - 9415531214, 0522-2710219
डीजीपी दफ्तर - 0522-2710219
एसआई सत्यनारायण कुशवाहा (जांच अधिकारी) - 9161400312
सुभाष चंद्र राम का पता - 638/ए, 79/1, शिवाजीपुरम, गली नं. 4, सेक्टर 14, इंदिरा नगर, लखनऊ
SUNIL DWIVEDI, 24, Pursuing MBA, was returning home from friend's place when his bike ran out of petrol. He placed the bike on the left corner of the road and asked his pillion ride Murli to call someone with petrol. In this course they parked the bike and were waiting for friends, when suddenly an uncontrolled Maruti Suzuki Alto Car UP-32 BT 5294, rammed into Sunil and instantly broke his spine. Meanwhile Murli, the pillion who was standing next was saved by a whisker and he called his friends to the spot while trying to move the car away from Sunil's body which was still stuck under it. When somehow the car was moved, the door was opened and a heavily drunk man between 30-35 years age came out. He was not even able to stand properly. This man was handed over to the police and Sunil was rushed to the hospital. But the FIR lodged read "UNKNOWN" person knocked down Sunil. This was not at all acceptable by the Guys so they went to the accident spot to look for the car registration papers which could establish the identity at least. On reaching the scene, they saw that the car was being taken away and hence they intercepted the person in the car. They asked that either the car be left on the spot or taken to police station but the person was not interested in both. So the guys asked for the papers which he had no intentions to give, hence the guys opened the door of the car to lay hand on any documents which could establish the id. They found a briefcase attached with a bag. The bag had the registration papers, which read "SUBHASH CHANDRA RAM" and his address as 638/A-79/1, Shivajipuram, Lane 4, sector 14, Indira Nagar, Lucknow. The took a photostat of the papers in the morning and returned the briefcase and bag to the officer on duty. This man Subhash Chandra Ram turned out to be a Deputy Commissioner, Sales Tax posted in Lucknow and the person driving the car was his son Sudhir Kumar.
Now the police is in connivance with the bureaucrat and is harassing the guys who were witness to the case and who helped Sunil reach hospital and got the identity established and took the drunkard sudhir to police. The police is now lodging a counter FIR of robbery against these students who till now have no criminal antecedent. The purpose is to pressurise the guys to abstain from court proceedings and help the culprit go scot-free. Sunil, the victim is paralysed for life. He was an athlete and a break dancer and today, he is confined to bed, even unable to move.